Recognize this little tub of goodness? If you are not familiar, these little mint-brownie balls ("bite-lettes") are really just what the label proclaims, "wholesome junk food"...
and they taste good. Though lacking the official (and expensive) "certified gluten free" insignia, 3 of Dr. Laura's products do not contain gluten; Cole's Cashew, Better Brownie and my favorite, "Mint Double Fudge". All are balls, or more eloquently, "bite-lettes".

Personally, I am hesitant to purchase or recommend any sort of already-put-together product. An "already-put-together" product, conventionally speaking, would be referred to as a "processed" food which generally is not good and quite the opposite of
wholesome. Dr. Laura's Wholesome Junk Food
is wholesome, and though she produces other great tasting "bite-lettes", the three I mentioned above contain no gluten although you will not find the "certified gluten free" stamp on which many people base their puirchase decision. For the most part I lean toward having that stamp on purchase decisions regarding cookies, crackers and chips. With Dr. Laura's I make an exception.

I trust her. I trust her medical knowledge. I trust her personal level of involvement in her company and the way in which she allows her products to be produced. Do your homework, and I think you will find that same level of trust...and you're going to like your afternoon french press/tea a whole lot better with a couple of bite-lettes....a
clean treat!
Next time you're out, look for Dr. Laura's at Whole Foods, Earth Fare and some of the local Harris Teeter stores...
*find Dr. Laura's bite-lettes, and other wholesome junk food (even a cookbook!) at
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